Dakota Lamb

Dakota Lamb


Election Night Program

Live Election Night Broadcast HTML Graphics Program

Using HTML and Google Sheets for data injection, this web based program produced 1920x1080 sized graphics for use in RMU-TV's 2018 Midterm Election Night Broadcast.

Use the Program     Watch the Broadcast

Election Map Data

Google Sheets Election Night Data

In 2016 and in 2018, the above Election Night Graphics were fed results from a Google Sheets spreadsheet. Manually entered data was parsed using Google Spreadsheets Parser.

2016 Spreadsheet     2018 Spreadsheet

project name

Ireland Wind Turbine Permitting Process Case Study

This report served as the final project during my study abroad class on alternative energy in Ireland. This case study looks at the review process that the Coor Shanavogh Wind Farm went through, including summaries of the public comments, municipality's report, and court cases related to the project.

Read the Report

Video Projects

Palko Tribute Thumbnail

Bob Palko Retirement Tribute Video

Ahead of West Allegheny Football Coach Bob Palko's retirement during the 2018 season, I created this video tribute using archived video. VHS Highlight Tapes from the 1995 to 2008 seasons were digitized, and all footage of Coach pulled out for use in the tribute.

Watch the Video

project name

West Allegheny Football Season Highlight Tapes

After the 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2018 West Allegheny Football seasons, I produced Season Highlight, Senior Farewell, and Underclassmen Profile videos for presentation at the annual End of Season Celebration. In 2018, custom After Effects templates were used for Senior Speeches and Underclassmen Profiles.

2014 Highlights     2016 Underclassmen Profiles

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Colonial Sports Network Broadcasts

From January 2017 to May 2018, I was the RMU-TV Live Sports Producer. Our team produced broadcasts of Robert Morris Football, Men's and Women's Hockey, Men's and Women's Lacrosse, and Rugby.

Watch 2018 Mid-Atlantic EMMY Award Nominated Broadcast

project name

CSN Motion Graphics Package

During my time producing Colonial Sports Network broadcasts, I created a custom After Effects Motion Graphics template for use in the broadcasts. The pre-rendered video files were loaded into Ross Xpression.

Download the AE Template

project name

West Allegheny Sports Network Broadcasts

Since its inception in 2013, the West Allegheny Sports Network has produced more than 90 live streams of varsity athletics and special events. The technology behind the broadcasts continues to evolve, leading to updates to broadcast quality every year. Current students in the district continue productions under the WASN name.

WASN Website


WASN Motion Graphics Package

During my time producing West Allegheny Sports Network broadcasts, I created a custom After Effects Motion Graphics template, "Arasan", for use in the broadcasts. The pre-rendered video files were loaded into a Tricaster 460.

Download the AE Template